Part of my daily ritual is Craigslist’s Missed Connections – the online bulletin board for people trying to find the person they shagged anonymously at Home Depot. I find the optimism and romanticism of this site very touching, and refresh my screen every 30 seconds to see if “well-hung guy with tats” ever found “flaming homo wannabe str8 guy” after their steamroom liaison last week. In addition to being a shot in the arm for those of us who have lost faith in love, it provides an interesting sociological view of New York. You’ll notice, for instance, that people on the L train are much hotter than people on the 7 train. No one ever posts to people they eyed on the 7 train because people who ride the 7 train are generally lumpen and misshapen. I know this because I ride the 7 train.
Last night, however, I spotted a cute boy on the train. Glasses, rocked-out hair, no man-jewelry to speak of – a kind of pre-Williamsburg hipster without the irritating front. In the spirit of Missed Connections, I moved closer to get a better look. What ensued was a brief but meaningful exchange. Buoyed by the sudden reappearance of my mojo, I posted on MC this morning with a description of our special moment.
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If all else fails, there’s always the goiter guy.
(iPod sign courtesy of via How about orange...)