If you live in mortal fear that the working world will make your brain dissolve, but you lack
- the discipline necessary for self-directed study;
- the patience, good-will, and generosity of spirit required for book clubs;
- the $600+ of cold hard cash for continuing education classes every semester;
The Brooklyn Brainery is your weapon of choice. It offers dirt-cheap, crowdsourced classes ranging from "OMG Let's Design Something" to "Rethinking Math: Enticing Shapes and Sexy Numbers" to the ambiguous yet enticing seminar entitled, "Gin." Want to learn how to kill at karaoke? Make kefir? Master crochet? Discuss feminist theory? Pick up a new card game? Understand game theory? Yours for a few bucks. Even better, if you're dying to flex your mad cuneiform muscles, you can teach your very own course.
What a brilliant idea. I haven't signed up for a class yet (always late to the party), but tomorrow I'm going to the first meeting of the Society For The Advancement of Social Studies (SASS), which has joined forces with The Brooklyn Brainery and Pete's Candy Store to offer free lectures on "all the history you knew but forgot" paired with "all the booze you need to forget it again." YES, PLEASE. Tomorrow will cover "The Holy Crusades: how Christianity got its groove back and then promptly lost it." Apparently, there will be appropriately themed cocktails involved. SASS, IT'S LIKE YOU KNOW ME. LET'S GET MARRIED AND HAVE NERDY BABIES TOGETHER.