After a four-hour summit that rivaled Clinton’s Middle East peace talks at Sharm el Sheik, I received a short email of thanks from Fauxhawk, and then another. It’s been a regular bonanza of communication since we broke the vow of silence.
“Hey,” he wrote. “I have a thingy that I'd like to give you before you go on your trip. The thing is a trip-related present.”
The last time I got a post-breakup present from Fauxhawk, it was an elaborately wrapped tin of General Foods International Orange Cappuccino Surprise - an inside joke for my birthday. Too bad I’d lost my sense of humor.
Anyway, I have been instructed not to see him, but my interest is piqued. What could the thingy be?
A roll of toilet paper?
Flea powder?
I would not put it past him.
Should I see him? Should I get the thingy?